Bespoke client services is our specialty
Established in February 2013, NIB research Co, Ltd is an independent corporate access facilitation, bespoke research and IR interpreting firm. We specialize in doing work customized to meet client needs. Key members of the firm have worked in the Japanese financial markets since the late 1980s and have extensive experience in the field of corporate access arrangement, IR meeting interpretation, and writing brief bespoke research notes for clients.
Our corporate mission is enhancing overseas investor access and knowledge of Japanese listed companies and promoting better communication between the two. “Bridging the gap” is what we do. All our services are undertaken with extreme confidentiality.
株式会社NIBリサーチは独立系のコーポレートアクセス/IR 通訳サービスを提供する会社として、2013年2月に設立されました。 私たちは海外投資家にとって自社の東京駐在員事務所のような存在になりたいと考えています。投資調査のための来日時には企業とのミーティングのセットアップ、事前の資料作成、会議室の提供、通訳、取材後のフォローアップ等のサービスを提供いたします。また来日の機会のない投資家に対しては、国際電話によるカンファレンス、投資家に代わっての取材、アップデート等、海外からでも日本企業とのコミュニケーションを図れるようサポートいたします。私たちのミッションは、海外投資家と日本企業との 円滑なコミュ二ケーションを促進し、両者の架け橋となることだと考えております。
NIB Research 7th Anniversary
NIB Research has entered its 7th year of operation and we would like to thank our clients, business partners and shareholders for their ongoing support. Furthermore, we are extremely grateful for cooperation from the management and IR teams of listed Japanese companies for accommodating our various client requests which resulted in continued strong demand for our proprietary research and IR interpreting / support services. Our investment advisory service also continued to do well, and we realize this was only possible as companies allocated their precious time to engage with us, so we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude.
Some notable highlights for the year that ended in January 2020 were as follows:
Research / IR Support Division
Responded to over 140 proprietary update / short research note requests from buy-side clients based in the UK, US and HK / Singapore.
Provided IR interpreting service for just over 600 company visits and conference calls involving overseas institutional investors.
Arranged nearly 480 IR conference calls / meetings directly with corporates on behalf of our overseas institutional investor clients.
Accompanied a food delivery company on their HK and Singapore non-deal IR roadshows to provide interpreting services; also arranged / interpreted for two Asian IR non-deal roadshows for a second-hand car information service company.
Chosen as the designated (or preferred) IR interpreter by five corporates involved in retail / fintech, food delivery, factory worker dispatch, temporary staffing / handicapped employment and second-hand car information service operations during various domestic IR events.
Investment Advisory Division
Over 120 meetings and calls with companies based on the combination of client requests and proactive efforts on our part to discover new investment ideas.
Roughly 100 proprietary research reports / follow-up update notes issued.
Best Regards,
Yuichi Ishikawa / Hiroshi Nishizawa / Harrison Bates / Nami Kiyokawa