Process regarding


Process regarding complaints and disputes with our investment advisory services.

1、We are committed to responding quickly to complaints and disputes with clients and have established the following resolution procedures. For any complaints please contact below.

10F Urbannet Nihonbashi 2-chome Building,
2-1-3 Nihonbashi Chuo-ku Tokyo, 103-0027

PHONE: +813-5299-5585
FAX: +813-5299-5587

Below is the basic process to resolve complaints.
① We receive complaints from our customers
② We conduct a hearing among our representatives and discuss a resolution.
③ We propose a resolution

2、We strive to resolve complaints with the above process, but as an alternative process clients may seek assistance of FINMAC.

FINMAC undertakes resolution of complaints from Japan Investment Advisory Association (JIAA); we are a member of JIAA.

If you would like to use FINAMC, please contact below.

Financial Instruments Meditation Assistance Center (FINMAC)
PHONE: 0120-64-5005 (Free dial)

Below is the basic process to resolve complaints, if you need further details please contact FINMAC.
① Customer lodge a complaint
② FINMAC relays the complaint to the JIAA member company
③ Discussion and resolution between customer and the JIAA member company

<Dispute Resolution Measures>
We propose to settle disputes through the mediation by FINMAC.
FINMAC undertakes dispute mediation from JIAA members. To use FINMAC to settle disputes against JIAA members please see procedure below.

This is the basic process to settle the disputes, if further details are required please contact the FINMAC directly.
① Submit a petition for mediation
② FINMAC receives the petition and selects a mediator
③ Customer pays a fee for the petition
④ Questioning by a mediator to customer and the JIAA member company
⑤ Propose a resolution plan; acceptance of resolution plan

NIB research Co, Ltd
Financial Instruments Business Operators (Investment Advisory)
Kanto Financial Bureau No. 2737
A member of Japan Investment Advisory Association (JIAA).


1、 当社は、「苦情及び紛争処理規程」を定め、お客様等からの苦情等のお申出に対して、真摯に、また迅速に対応し、お客様のご理解をいただくよう努めています。

東京都中央区日本橋2-1-3 アーバンネット日本橋2丁目ビル10階

① お客様からの苦情等の受付
② 社内担当者からの事情聴取と解決案の検討
③ 解決案のご提示・解決


一般社団法人 日本投資顧問業協会から苦情の解決についての業務を受託しており、お客様からの苦情を受け付けています。この団体をご利用になる場合には、次の連絡先までお申出下さい。

電話 0120-64-5005 (フリーダイヤル)

① お客様からの苦情の申立
② 会員業者への苦情の取次
③ お客様と会員業者との話合いと解決


同センターは、当社が加入しています一般社団法人 日本投資顧問業協会からあっせんについての業務を受託しており、あっせん委員によりあっせん手続きが行われます。

① お客様からのあっせん申立書の提出
② あっせん申立書受理とあっせん委員の選任
③ お客さまからのあっせん申立金の納入
④ あっせん委員によるお客様、会員業者への事情聴取
⑤ あっせん案の提示、受諾

加入協会:一般社団法人 日本投資顧問業協会